Goats For Sale

You'll love them as much as we do.

Goats Ready Now

You'll love them as much as we do.


Goat Adoption

•Adopting a goat is on a limited basis, it has to be a goat I am retaining. Once you choose your goat from the goats we have available you can name her, I’ll usually give you guidelines like “a flower name”, but not all the time, it just depends.
•Your name goes on the backside of her name tag with her name on the front side.
•We will do a photoshoot of you and your goat and you will get an 8 x 10 framed picture, and a copy of the other pictures.
•When you come to visit you still pay the fee for the cuddling side, but if someone is holding your goat we kindly ask them to hold a different Goat so you can have your goat ASAP.
•You are allowed to take your goat to other areas of the farm for privacy, we give you a leash so you can walk around, a bedspread so you lay under the trees, etc. If it’s feeding time you can feed her a bottle, if it’s not feeding time you can feed her some treats that we will give you (when older).
•I’ll send you some pictures and/or videos via text every two weeks and keep you informed of her progress and anything special she might be doing.
•Around 8-12 months your goat will go to the backfield when you come to visit if we can bring her up here we will, you still get pictures, videos, and updates every 2 weeks via text.
•When it’s time for breeding season (10 months to a year or more) I’ll communicate with you her sire, I’ll let you know when her due date is (gestation is 5 months) I'll send you a video of the ultrasound showing the kids inside. If it’s convenient time-wise you can come to view a birthing.
•When she is an adult and in milk, I’ll allow you to hand Milker a time or two.
•Then she is part of the herd and will come and go as she pleases. You will be able to view her from the "jet out" concrete part in the cuddling area where the goat bleachers are when you come to visit.
•All of this is a $650 one-time fee.

Wethers As Pets...

Quite often when people decide to get some goats as pets, they assume that they want girl goats (who are called does). Usually this is because somewhere along the line they’ve heard that male goats are smelly. And, well, yes, INTACT full grown male goats (called bucks) can get quite stinky, especially in rut (breeding season)
On the other hand, castrated males (called wethers) don’t have this odor. In fact, without looking at the goat's “private parts” you probably couldn’t tell a wether from a doe that has not been bred and had kids (no udder).

We occasionally have several wethers that live with our does, and visitors can’t tell the difference.
Wethers are sweet, friendly, even tempered, wonderfully playful fellas. They make great pets, pack goats, and companion animals. They are amazingly easy to care for – just like happy puppy dogs, but with less maintenance.

If you are looking for goats and don’t need the milk – then wethers make the perfect pet. Sometimes we can let you take them home on the bottle if you want to bottle feed.
They are less expensive to buy than does and don’t get “goaty PMS” because of hormonal changes the way does can.
Getting into goats couldn’t be easier or more fun than getting a pair of friendly, lovable wethers.
*I dis-bud all my goats so you don’t have to worry with horns, and give them there first round of shots.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony" .
- Mahatma Gandhi

"Julie David" wholeheartedly agrees with this quote. Enjoy and stay in Harmony! 

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